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catholic racial justice       collaborative

Confront the sin of racism 

Racism is dehumanizing for all. The racial history we all inherit is dehumanizing for all of us in different ways for people of color and white people.  The way to becoming human is to confront the legacy of white supremacy and undergo a process of transformation and conversion to engage more humanely in the world we all inhabit.  We seek to be a Catholic voice encouraging our faith  communities to challenge and own the history of racism in our Church and community, to engage in the difficult conversation around race and to participate in action for racial justice in the wider community. 


"Systemic racism is an immoral monster. The root problem is our incapacity to confront this brutal immoral monster who violates Black people and people of color."

Bishop Fernand Cheri

“Prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves."

James 1:22

BE moved to act


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